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Saturday, 29 August 2015

A corner of sweetness in West Belfast

I loved Belfast.

And I loved the West part, which is the symbol of the strength of the Irish people fighting for their the murals recalling either the three decades of civil war for the independence or, oppositely, the feeling of being part of the United Kingdom, are the main "touristic" attraction.

But here you are not in a touristic area. Until some years ago it was not considered safe to walk along this quarter, and still you have the sensation of being in an area where people is trying hardly to come out from poverty and "depression".

Well, in my treasure murals hunt (;)...still a treasure btw! :)) I came across to this fantastic colourful shop... "The Candy Store on the corner", at the top of Cavendish street across from St Pauls. So, follow their creation on their facebook page, but get in loved with them thanks to my photos ;). The lady (I guess the owner) is also so nice, fact that could tempts you to buy even more! ;)

PS: I was in the West of Belfast the 27th of July 2015 and with no problem and with no bad sensations I wander around until around 9 pm...however, I have to record that on the 4th of August a small bomb was found in the area (the news), as one guy that I met days after in Galway and who was unlucky to be there that day, told me also and described the like-film situation with 5 or 6 police cars all around...


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